Supporting literacy in early education.

Qridi offers various means to support literacy.

In early education, the emphasis in Finnish language and literature teaching is on laying the foundation for reading and writing skills, as well as developing skills in learning to learn and communication.

Teaching highlights sharing experiences and sensations, practicing skills together and individually, also utilizing communication technology. Usually, at the beginning of the school year, the first-grade teacher has a diverse group of children in terms of skills.

Some already have basic reading skills, while others are just getting acquainted with letters. Therefore, differentiation and considering the child's skills are important starting points for teaching. It's important to ignite a love for reading by finding engaging reading material and sharing reading experiences in various ways together. One key focus of assessment and feedback is specifically progress in literacy, comprehension of texts, and engagement in reading.

Reading diary in Qridi

How to provide sufficient individual feedback on the progress of reading skills practice? In Qridi, within the "Growing into a Schoolchild" learning unit, there is a ready-made reading diary with instructions. In the diary, the student can record their reading and track how practicing helps learning. Regardless of the level, the diary serves every learner. A novice reader can describe pictures with voice functions, and a more advanced reader can record or video small excerpts from the book they are reading. While reading, an advanced reader can focus on immersion and calm progression. The teacher can easily monitor each student's audio recordings and provide individual feedback easily and quickly in various ways.

In Qridi's diary, implementing various reading campaigns is easy. You can create a class bookshelf where you recommend the best book tips to your group, or create short plays based on reading experiences with videos, record dialogues of different characters, or write a few syllable words from the text.

From the diary, you can also check how many book covers have been saved.


The same learning unit also includes reading session assessment - self-assessment. In the weekly assessment survey, the learner evaluates their performance in reading skills and practice on a four-level developing parrot scale for the week. The learner is supported by familiar images for self-assessment.

The teacher can conduct assessments and simultaneously monitor a graph depicting the assessments of both the student and the teacher. This routine facilitates the assessment process.

Reading and literature diplomas through Qridi

Many schools utilize literature or reading diplomas in early education. The goal is to inspire diverse reading of literature and provide enjoyable experiences with literature. In Qridi, literature diplomas for grades 1-6 are readily available for OUTI library users. It's also easy to incorporate your municipality's literature and reading diplomas into Qridi! Learn more about using literature and reading diplomas with Qridi here.

Goal Setting

With the goal-setting tool, the learner can set a reading goal for themselves for the semester, aiming for a certain number of books. A three-tiered mountain is sufficient, but levels can also be added. Onward towards the peak! Along the way, progress towards the goal can be tracked.