I admire the pedagogical ambition portrayed by BISAD Diploma. It genuinely challeges students to develop their character and give their best to society. BISAD is not nominated as the best international school for nothing. Alan, Patrick, Hugo, Laura and Sophie have been great partners in the rigorous co-development journey we have travelled togeher. It is a pleasure to see how Qridi serves them well!”
Using Qridi has been transformative for our BISAD Diploma program. This tool seamlessly adapted from a paper-based system to a dynamic, interactive platform that significantly enhances student engagement at the point of learning. It's truly revolutionized the way we operate and educate."
Explore how British International School Abu Dhabi enhances education with Qridi, a Finnish LMS. Qridi streamlines formative assessment, tracks competencies, and provides robust data analytics. At BISAD, it revolutionizes learning portfolios, empowering students to digitize their projects and achievements, fostering progress.