Artistic and Practical Subjects
Qridi is very popular in teaching artistic and practical subjects.
Artistic and practical subject teachers have widely adopted Qridi as an assessment platform in both primary and secondary schools. The assessment in these subjects emphasizes comprehensive documentation of the process, working skills, and self-assessment. Giving grades becomes significantly easier when the student's skills have been documented in Qridi for all parties to see during the semester. Additionally, the student's own understanding of their skills and learning improves!
Qridi's Library contains ready-made assessment packages to support final assessment in crafts, physical education, visual arts, and home economics teaching. Teachers can use these packages to support their assessment work as needed.
Many teachers also use Qridi's functionalities without ready-made assessment packages, creating their own assessment content. Below are examples of using Qridi in different subjects with illustrative examples.
Traditional school crafts have primarily involved making model works that practice basic techniques, tools, and materials. The focus has gradually shifted towards the process of working and related planning, ideation, and documentation. With Qridi, documentation and assessment of the working process can be carried out lightly and easily alongside doing and learning. The key features for this are the diary and assessment functions.

Physical Education
The key features of Qridi used in physical education teaching are the Assessment, Task Lists, and the Journal. The teacher can decide on self-assessment and peer-assessment questions, the content of the Journal and Task List, or use ready-made content. Some teachers handle physical education assessment solely through the Assessment function, while others use Qridi more comprehensively.

Home Economics
The home economics learning package includes a series of assessments, task lists, and other functions typically used by home economics teachers in Qridi. The package includes, among other things, a task list for home-based household tasks, a diary for students to showcase their interests, and a series of assessments to support summative assessment, classwork, and student self-assessment skills.

For example, a ready-made task list, self-assessment, and teacher assessment have been formulated for the commonly implemented meal planning in home economics classes. Additionally, the package includes printable posters that illustrate activities for the students, based on which they can achieve different grades.
The teacher can choose the parts of the learning package that work best in their own teaching context or create entirely new assessment content using Qridi's versatile features.
Visual Arts
One of the most typical uses of Qridi is in visual arts. Qridi works excellently for documenting artworks and giving grades. The key features of Qridi used in visual arts include the Journal, Assessments, and Task Lists. The teacher can decide on self-assessment and peer-assessment questions, the content of the Journal and Task List, or use ready-made content.
In Qridi's Library, there is a ready-made assessment package to support the final assessment in visual arts. This learning package includes activities that help both students and teachers in documenting their work and tracking how students progress towards the goals of the subject.
The learning package includes a Journal where students collect their works and reflect on their progress in visual observation and visual production. Through another Journal, the student can present their works to others and receive and provide peer feedback related to them. The Task List includes a checklist related to different target areas in visual arts, through which both the student and the teacher can track progress in different areas of focus. With the included assessment event, it's easy for the teacher to give the student a grade based on the curriculum objectives.